"I work, travel and have a family.
I have precious spare time and don't like paperwork. I hired a Daily Money Manager. It's like having my own administrative assistant!"
Joel L. Catania, CDMM, M.B.A.
Personal Solutions, LLC
P.O. Box 7566
Garden City, NY 11530-0712
Phone: (516) 316-0838
Fax: (516) 294-1847
You have the money, but not the time, inclination or ability to pay your bills in a timely fashion.....
You are a small business owner who needs to devote more time to business strategy and operations and less time to burdensome paperwork....
You "file" your paperwork in shoeboxes and empty drawers and waste endless time trying to dig out what you need when you need it....
You have no idea of how much you spend annually or where your hard-earned money is going.....
You have business, travel and family requirements that leave you with little spare time to take care of day-to-day paperwork affairs....
You would like to solve one or more of these problems and you didn't know that a service exists that can provide solutions in a timely, reliable and confidential manner at a reasonable cost.
Personal Solutions, LLC can help you manage your
personal administrative matters, simplify your life and
free up time for your family and leisure preferences.
Daily Money Management Services
Bringing clarity and order to your bill-paying,
budgeting and recordkeeping needs.